They have broken all the rules and pioneered the game in the world.The final Six have been selected thanks to the way they’ve seriously shaken things up, now all you have to do is vote for your winner.
India Leadership Conclave’s selection criteria is time tested & transparent.Our robust voting mechanism are aimed at bringing a public consensus of the mood of the nation. The Jury & Organizing Committee have taken every possible steps to ensure fair selection. Each category has its own target audience & is backed by our rich research methodology.

India’s No # 1 Leadership Brand
Indian Affairs prestigious 10th Annual India Leadership Conclave & awards also called as ILC Power Brand Awards – India’s No # 1 Leadership Brand conferred awards to the achievers in various fields where Top Business Tycoons, Entrepreneurs, Social Reformers, Healthcare Legends, Diplomats, Ministers assembled as ILC Power Brand celebrate its 10th successful & uninterrupted annual editions bringing the finest minds of the country under one roof.
India leadership conclave 2019 nomination process journey began in the first quarter of the calendar year in 2019 from jan-march to find out the best talents, innovators, & disrupters in business in all categories through a very standard fair & independent way of bringing top six names to the final list of voting. The internal team of experts at network 7 media group, the flagship media property of indian affairs looked at the all round progress of the individuals/companies & consultations were made with various associations of india & trade bodies. Final selections were made by public from the recommendations of the top industry associations & chamber of commerce. Upon much consideration, research & detailed analysis, nominees were found based on a robust process that involved considerable comprehensive mechanism that network 7 media group do years after years. “very importantly, india leadership conclave’s mantra is very simple & clear. We dont follow a fixed set of rules of traditional theories of selecting a nominee in the final six list either based on seniority, age or celebrity status. We go by our research, experts advise & bring to light those talent & innovators who never got noticed”.
ILC Power Brands strives for excellence in everything we do, we have innovations in mind, in wherever you operate!. India Leadership Conclave has set a high benchmark in bringing the leaders & companies who are ignored in the presence of big names. Our strong research network keep a constant eye on the achievers who have demonstrated an innovative, creative work models that are path-breaking & trendsetting.For a selection process to be valid, it must also be reliable. That means the process must measure what it is designed to measure and do so consistently over time. All categories are judged by a highly influential and respected judging panel. The judging is a robust, credible and transparent two-step process, involving pre-scoring and a face-to-face panel discussion.
India Leadership Conclave’s selection criteria is time tested & transparent.Our robust voting mechanism are aimed at bringing a public consensus of the mood of the nation. The Jury & Organizing Committee have taken every possible steps to ensure fair selection. Each category has its own target audience & is backed by our rich research methodology where we invite/ask/appeal/ request ,the stakeholders to select their favorite companies or personalities. Many top leaders & celebrities are being selected through this process.